First steps on Woolston
At the beginning of June, we started the construction of a small hydropower plant in Woolston.
Woolston power plant will be installed on the original arm of the Mersey River near Warrington 26 km west of Liverpool .
Small hydropower plant is placed at existing weir and aims to utilize unused hydro energetic potential of river. The hydro scheme is low head type, located at the right bank of existing Woolston weir.Fish pass will be modified to new Larinier type, by replacing existing concrete walls with steel baffles.
Work is currently underway by - installation of Sheet pile walls and connection to National Grid. Powerhouse substructure is planned on November. Inlet and Outlet sections are planned by January 2021.Powerhouse Overground structure is planned to be build on January. Turbines 3x Archimedean screws will be installed by February.
The expected completion date is March, 2021 and planned output is 486 kW.